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From The Heart Of Oltrepo Pavese

Vanzini: A Family History of Winemaking Excellence

From the Heart of Oltrepò Pavese

Nestled in the picturesque hills of Oltrepò Pavese in Northern Italy, the Vanzini family has been crafting exceptional wines for generations. With 33 hectares of vineyards meticulously cultivated, they have established a reputation for producing wines that showcase the unique terroir of the region.

A Legacy of Passion

The Vanzini family's passion for winemaking dates back to the mid-19th century. Through generations of hard work and unwavering dedication, they have honed their skills and developed a deep understanding of the local grape varieties and growing conditions.

Exquisite Wines

Vanzini's portfolio of wines is a testament to their unwavering commitment to quality. Their range of reds, whites, and sparkling wines offer a diverse selection that caters to every palate. From the elegant Pinot Noir to the robust Barbera, each wine is a unique expression of the Oltrepò Pavese terroir.

A Commitment to Sustainability

Beyond their dedication to producing exceptional wines, Vanzini is also committed to sustainability. They employ organic farming practices in their vineyards and strive to minimize their environmental impact at every stage of production.
